Promoting College Persistence
Studies show that low-income, historically underrepresented, and first generation college students face a multitude of socio-cultural and structural barriers in college success when compared to their white, middle to upper- class counterparts (Astin, 1997; Cabrera, 1992; Engle & Tinto, 2008).

High quality afterschool programs play a crucial role in helping students to persist and succeed in college with staff who build supportive relationships with students, and youth development framework that fosters whole-person growth.

Summary of Research
As part of the process for developing Partnering for Success: The Role of Afterschool in College Persistence, PASE complied a summary of research document. Topics covered include:
- Factors that Impact Persistence
- Summer Melt
- Consequences of Not Persisting
- Promising Practices/Programs
- Afterschool Program Impact
The report provides an overview of:
• The challenge of college persistence, particularly for low-income, historically underrepresented and/or first generation young people;
• The importance of afterschool programming;
• Factors that support college persistence, including academic preparation and performance, development of social and emotional skills (non-cognitive skills), and college knowledge and advising;
• The stages of students’ lives during which persistence can be supported: middle and high school, the summer before college, and life in college;
• How afterschool can best support students during these life stages including examples of effective and promising practices; and
• Incorporates case studies of community organizations providing high-quality college prep services for their young people in order to support their ability to persist
Partnering for Success: The Role of Afterschool in College Persistence is a report produced by PASE on afterschool’s role in college persistence. Made possible through generous funding from the William R. Kenan, Jr. Charitable Trust, along with support and collaboration from a wide variety of partners, the report highlights the transformative and crucial work that afterschool programs can do to support students be successful in higher education.
Partnering for Success
DownloadCollege Persistence: Summary of Research
Promoting College Persistence is supported by the William R. Kenan, Jr. Charitable Trust