College Prep in Afterschool
Through College Prep in Afterschool, PASE is building on our experiences working intensively with afterschool programs and our understanding of the evolving role they play in preparing young people and their families for college admission and success.

Through this program PASE is providing a host of services to agencies engaged in college prep work throughout the city including: professional development workshops for the afterschool field; technical assistance to select agencies; and combination college fairs and citywide forums for staff of community based afterschool programs and institutions of higher education.
Strengthening College Persistence in Afterschool
Through this free program, a cohort of 10-15 New York City community-based organizations (CBO) will participate in a six workshop series designed to provide a range of support and relevant research to strengthen their college prep and success work. The series includes content delivery by experts and peer learning opportunities.
Application Deadline
Applications are closed.
Material covered in the sessions included: assessing capacity for providing college prep services; best practices in college access and persistence; early awareness; understanding and tackling summer melt; college matching and under matching; and social and emotional development supports.
The Solon E. Summerfield Foundation, Inc