Taking Root: Strengthening STEM in Afterschool
Strengthening STEM in Afterschool (Strengthening STEM) is designed to set a foundation to fundamentally expand the capacity of afterschool programs to provide STEM programming.

Through Strengthening STEM, PASE aims to redefine what STEM looks like during out-of-school time and to make afterschool STEM programs successful and sustainable field-wide.
Past Work
Over the last several years Strengthening STEM developed a core group of afterschool leaders into STEM “Master Trainers" and "STEM Champions" and provided afterschool staff with the tools, resources and skills that will help them choose appropriate STEM curricula, and directly lead STEM activities. The Strengthening STEM program worked with 46 Master Trainers from 31 afterschool sites serving over 5,000 youth.
Strengthening STEM is supported by The Pinkerton Foundation and the Voya Foundation.