Sr. Paulette LoMonaco Honored with the Richard Murphy Leadership Award

On November 15th, Sr. Paulette LoMonaco, Retired Executive Director of Good Shepherd Services, received the Richard Murphy Leadership Award for her contributions to youth services.
About Sr. Paulette LoMonaco
Sr. Paulette LoMonaco has made a distinctive impact on the lives of countless New York City children, youth, and families through her work in the youth development, child welfare, education, and family support systems across her career - most notably during the 40 years she served as Executive Director of Good Shepherd Services, until her retirement in December 2019. Under Sr. Paulette’s inspirational leadership, Good Shepherd Services evolved from a small provider of out-of-home care to one of New York City’s largest, most respected multi-service agencies.
Sr. Paulette is a respected leader, known for her intelligence, integrity, unwavering commitment to youth and families, and passionate advocacy for the field. As a founding member of the Neighborhood Family Services Coalition, Paulette was a fierce advocate for opening public schools to the community, ground-breaking work that led to the broad expansion of afterschool programs throughout New York City.
Paulette worked alongside the award’s namesake, Richard Murphy, and others to create the foundation of much of the afterschool landscape that serves New York City children and youth today.
About the Richard Murphy Leadership Award
Established in 2017, the award serves as a “lifetime achievement” recognition for individuals in the afterschool field who have made extraordinary accomplishments in youth services and who exemplify the intelligence, enthusiasm, and commitment to New York City children that Richard Murphy, former Commissioner of the Department of Youth Services, embodied.
The previous Richard Murphy Leadership Award recipients are: The Honorable Mayor David N. Dinkins (2017) and Geoffrey Canada, President of Harlem Children’s Zone (2018).