“Adolescence. Thriving. Learning Ecosystems.”

Knowledge to Power Catalysts is hosting an upcoming virtual event entitled "Adolescence. Thriving. Learning Ecosystems.” to explore ways to think more broadly about the spaces and conditions in which adolescents learn best and thrive. This October 30, 2024 virtual session from 12:00 PM – 1:15PM will cultivate a conversation with leading researchers across the topics of adolescence, youth thriving, and ecosystems. Together, Dr. Tom Akiva, University of Pittsburgh; Dr. Shawn Ginwright, Harvard Graduate School of Education; and Dr. Joanna Williams, Search Institute and the National Scientific Council on Adolescence will discuss their research and the intersections between these three concepts. The conversation will challenge participants to expand the way we think about and measure our collective work to support thriving adolescents. Register via Zoom.