An Important Life Lesson: The Silver Lining of Afterschool Funding Fights
Patrick Pinchinat, Beacon Director at the Queens Community House, 2012 PASEsetter winner, and Afterschool Ambassador Emeritus, has published a piece in Youth Today entitled An Important Life Lesson: The Silver Lining of Afterschool Funding Fights. In the article, Patrick discusses the annual campaigns over the past several years to preserve funding for NYC afterschool programs, noting that children and youth who joined youth councils and advocated for their afterschool programs learned invaluable lessons about democracy and developed resilience, leadership skills, and a sense of empowerment. Remember to save the date and start planning for Lights on Afterschool, an annual advocacy event celebrating afterschool programs and their important role in the lives of children, families, and communities, on October 23, 2014.