Bowne and NAA Ask Afterschool Providers to Share Language and Literacy Providers
The Robert Bowne Foundation and National Afterschool Association (NAA) are asking afterschool providers to share interesting and innovative practices in language and literacy. The information provided will be used to design a series of NAA webinars and offered for free on the new Bowne-funded Out-of-School Time Hub, which will be associated with Youth Today. Bowne and NAA are looking for ways that providers have engaged children and youth in reading, writing, English language acquisition, and academic and language development, particularly in fun ways that are culturally appropriate as well as appropriate for the afterschool and summer contexts. If a provider's ideas and/or lessons are used on the Hub, they and their agency's work will be fully acknowledged. In addition, they may be asked to participate in a Google Hangout as an afterschool expert. The Hangout will be recorded and uploaded to Youtube for viewing by the larger community.