#DegreesNYC Student-Ready Schools and Campuses Report

What does Student Readiness mean in a higher education setting? #DegreesNYC Data Fellows explored this topic in their recent youth participatory action research and resulting report, Student-Ready Schools and Campuses Report. While the term “student readiness” traditionally refers to the extent to which individual students are prepared for school, placing the majority of the responsibility on students to prepare themselves to fit into their schooling environment, this report’s definition of Student Readiness flips this script, and insists that schools and campuses must prepare themselves to receive a diverse group of students and provide them with the necessary resources and experiences that they need to succeed. Through their research, the Data Fellows focused on several major themes, including curriculum, campus culture, technology, mental health, and financial wellbeing, and outlined a series of preliminary suggestions for schools, colleges, and universities to become more Student-Ready.