Food Fighters - Summer Internship Program for Exceptional Teen Artists
With Food in Mind's FOOD FIGHTERS is an art and community internship program that will focus on food justice as it relates to income inequality. Over the course of six weeks, ten teens will complete volunteer internships at different food justice organizations in New York City, contributing a minimum of eight hours per week. The students will also meet weekly at CUE Art Foundation where they will share their experiences, hear from guest speakers (activists, artists, advocacy experts), and engage in art projects that draw from the students’ volunteer and workshop experiences. The program will culminate in two art exhibitions: one focusing on food justice and installed at CUE in Manhattan, and another focusing on income inequality and installed at the Old Stone House in Brooklyn. Students’ work will hang alongside works by established artists who have creatively expressed interest in or dedication to these critical issues. Both exhibitions will open in August of 2015. Nominations are due June 15, 2015.