OST Job Qualities Standards

In an effort to elevate the out-of-school time (OST) profession and enhance the well-being of OST professionals nationwide, the National AfterSchool Association (NAA) has released the Out-of-School Time Job Quality Standards. Developed in collaboration with leading experts and stakeholders in the field, these standards support the ongoing efforts to promote job quality and workforce stability within the OST sector. The OST Job Quality Standards tool is paired with a Usage Guide and Assessment tool, which provides audiences with a roadmap for effectively using the OST Job Quality Standards, including concrete steps for those in advocacy, funding, policy, and OST leadership to improve job quality in their respective roles. Both tools are part of an emerging collaboration between National AfterSchool Association and Afterschool Alliance to foster a skilled and stable workforce within the afterschool and summer field to ensure increased access to quality programming for more children and youth.