Scholastic Art & Writing Awards for Teens
The 2018 Scholastic Awards are open for submissions, and deadlines vary by region. Teens in grades 7 - 12 from public, private, or home schools can apply in over 20 categories of art and writing for their chance to earn scholarships and have their works exhibited and published. The Scholastic Awards look for work that demonstrates originality, technical skill, and the emergence of a personal voice or vision. Scholastic Awards and New York Life Foundation also have created a special partnership to encourage bereaved teens who have personally experienced a loss through the death of a close loved one to create original works of art or writing that explore their responses to grief. The award will provide six students with $1,000 scholarships. In addition to scholarships, these works addressing loss, bereavement, and healing will be presented across the country in exhibitions at New York Life offices as well as bereavement centers