PASE Rings The Closing Bell®

On Monday, November 27th, the Partnership for After School Education (PASE) celebrated its 30th anniversary by ringing the New York Stock Exchange Closing Bell. PASE CEO Alison Overseth served as the official bell ringer and NYSE Chair Sharon Bowen served as the official host for the group, which included PASE staff, Board and Junior Board members, PASE program participants, and youth-serving community-based organization leaders.
PASE was founded in 1993 to support the then-emergent afterschool profession in New York City. Since then, the organization has since served 50,000 afterschool educators, who have reached millions of New York City children. Three decades later, PASE continues to serve as the connective tissue for the dynamic ecosystem of organizations and educators who support New York City children during the afterschool hours.
“Ringing the Closing Bell was a true honor and a moving way to celebrate the incredible accomplishments PASE has achieved these past 30 years as we champion, lead, strengthen, and connect the afterschool field in New York City,” Overseth said.
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