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Empowering College Transfer Students for Academic and Social Acclimation

March 05, 2025 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

Gauging whether students have successfully transferred from one school to another is more than just getting them onto the new campus – after they arrive is where the true measurement begins.

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This online session, for community-based organization (CBO) college counselors will offer tools to help advise and evaluate a student’s transfer experience. Grounded in a longitudinal approach, this workshop distinguishes Preparation, Integration, and Acclimation as three unique, but connected, metrics for a successful transfer. Ultimately, CBO college counselors will leave with practices that can help transfer students transition into new schools, as well as advise those experiencing a difficult transfer.

Key Takeaways from this workshop will include:

  1. Terminology, tools, and practices to counsel students through transfer acclimation.
  2. An “Acclimation Rubric” to measure student's adjustment progress, and aid in responding to potential struggles.
  3. A step-by-step Transfer Playbook.


PASE Impact, FY 2024

PASE Setters 2024 Tasheema Lucas 0963


Afterschool Professionals Supported



Professional Development Events Offered

Group of young children dressed in jackets, holding hands.


NYC Youth Impacted

PASE believes all kids deserve a safe, nurturing space during out-of-school time where they have opportunities to explore their passions while connecting with and learning from caring adults. We exist to improve the quality of afterschool programs for children and teens living in poverty.

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