2nd Annual ITP Make Education Camp

ITP Make Education Camp is a 2-week summer camp for teachers and educators that will run from July 6 - 17, 2015. In the second year, ITP Make Education Camp will host educators who value making, learning, and are interested in exploring more. The camp is based upon the flexible structure of un-conferences, such as EdCamp, foocamp, or barcamp, where the sessions are formed in response to campers’ interests and projects. Campers will collaborate with people from diverse disciplines and learn by making together. ITP Make Education Camp is hosted at NYU’s Interactive Telecommunications Program, an interdisciplinary graduate program. Campers will have time to dive into their projects at ITP, taking advantage of the floor’s electronics lab and fabrication tools, with helpful guidance from ITP camp counselors, instigators, guests, and fellow campers. There are application fees.