COMPASS Elementary and SONYC Programs (Public Schools) Request for Proposals 2018
The Department of Youth and Community Development has released two Request for Proposals (RFP) for the COMPASS Elementary and SONYC Middle School programs. Organizations prequalified in the relevant service areas will be able to view and apply through the Accelerator system. COMPASS Elementary programs seek to promote positive youth development, foster social and emotional skills, and encourage youth leadership through engaging activities that incorporate hands-on learning in safe, welcoming environments. SONYC programs encourage youth to pursue their passions and develop new interests with support from qualified and caring adults. They offer participants opportunities to experience the joy of learning outside the classroom while fostering social, emotional, and cognitive skills. Attend an optional pre-proposal conference to learn more. The proposal due date for both RFPs is July 10, 2018 at 2:00 pm.