Embedding Youth Development in Schools: A Thought Leader Conversation
On July 31, 2015, the Forum for Youth Investment hosts a free conference call and discussion titled Embedding Youth Development in Schools: A Thought Leader Conversation. Register to take part in a rich, thought-provoking discussion between Karen Pittman, co-founder and CEO of the Forum for Youth Investment, and Michele Cahill, one of the principal architects of New York Cities' redesigned high schools and funder, while at the Carnegie Corporation, of some of the country's most innovative high school reform initiatives. Michele also wrote the concept paper that founded PASE. Key questions being addressed include: What does it take to get youth development practices embedded into the DNA of schools?; and Why do school-community partnerships, especially by high school, need to push beyond coordinated hand offs and focus on shared design? As part of the event, there will be a simultaneously hosted twitter chatroom. Use the hashtag #readyby21 to submit your comments and questions.